Courts page 12 of 94

936 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Courts

Anti-lockdown rallying cry warranted dismissal: Court

A casual Census collector sacked by the ABS for calling on her 7000 LinkedIn connections to revolt against COVID-19 lockdowns has failed to persuade a court that it "violently" discriminated against her.

Court shaves litigation funder's share of $98M settlement

A Federal Court judge has halved a litigation funder's claimed portion of $98 million paid to "misled" 7-Eleven franchisees, finding that even if he agreed with its calculations, he lacked the power to make commission-based common fund orders after settlements are agreed.

Newsflash: High Court backs unions on election spending caps

A High Court majority has ruled that caps on union spending in NSW by-elections are unconstitutional, finding they "impermissibly burden" freedom of communication on governmental and political matters.

Ghost of ABCC continues to haunt CFMMEU

The ABCC might be gone, but its legacy continues, with the Federal Court fining the CFMMEU and six officials more than $300,000 for entry breaches on a highway upgrade in 2018.

Tribunal weighing cost-of-living bump as rail deal approved

A FWC bench will decide whether NSW rail employees receive an extra pay bump after long and fractious negotiations with the Perrottet Government ended with the approval of a new deal late on Friday.

Union in ROC sights over leader's suspect expenses

The ROC is probing whether a CFMMEU branch is complying with financial obligations following an investigation that prompted a Federal Court case against its leader, while the watchdog has decided not to pursue the National Retail Association over membership irregularities.

Telstra "bent over backwards" for vax-objector: FWC

As Telstra next week prepares to defend a Federal Court class action on behalf of employees who refused to comply with its COVID-19 vaccination policy, the FWC has held that it met consultation requirements and "bent over backwards" to ensure fairness before sacking a worker with a moral objection to being jabbed.