Appointments/resignations/movements page 28 of 29

281 articles are classified in All Articles > People > Appointments/resignations/movements

Fill vacancies with business people: AMMA

With Employment Minister Eric Abetz signalling he intends to cold-call, rather than advertise, to fill Fair Work Commission vacancies, the AMMA is today arguing it is people with employer backgrounds whose numbers he should be dialling.

Lyons breaks silence on leadership tilt

Confirming this afternoon that he will run against ACTU secretary Dave Oliver at the peak body's May Congress, assistant secretary Tim Lyons said that unions needed to stop defining themselves by what they opposed and become the champion of the nation's working people.

Jackson wins stay of execution as HSU incumbents returned

Kathy Jackson's lawyer has succeeded in staving off the HSU's bid for a $700,000 summary judgment against her for now, with the Federal Court ordering him to provide more medical evidence of her condition.

IR leaders sleep rough

NSW union leaders were well represented among the IR/employment heads who slept rough for charity last night as part of the 2014 Vinnies CEO sleepout.

Gallacher returns to IR portfolio in NSW

Mike Gallacher, a long-serving former shadow IR minister in NSW, has returned to the portfolio after a reshuffle today by new Premier Mike Baird.