Appointments/resignations/movements page 25 of 29

281 articles are classified in All Articles > People > Appointments/resignations/movements

Heydon counsel assisting to be DPP; New commissioners at AHRC

One of the counsel assisting the Heydon Royal Commission, Sarah McNaughton SC, has been appointed Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, while the Government has also appointed three commissioners at the Human Rights Commission.

Lawler's conduct "undignified", far below expectations: Heerey

Former Fair Work Commission Vice-President Michael Lawler's conduct on the ABC's Four Corners program was "far below" what the public was entitled to expect from somebody in his position, according to the silk who investigated his conduct.

IR hardhead set for Coalition Senate role

A former HR Nicholls Society officeholder has won top spot on the Liberal Party's Victorian Senate ticket, virtually assuring him of taking a seat.

FWC's Lawler resigns

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has confirmed this afternoon that FWC Vice President Michael Lawler has resigned.

Media union seeks broader support base

The MEAA's federal council has approved a rule change to create a new low-cost "associate membership" category that will enable members of the public to support its campaigns.

FWC accepts PC report as submission not evidence; & more

FWC accepts PC report as submission rather than evidence; Heerey report due at end of month; Patrick talks continuing; Productivity portfolio dropped in Turnbull's reshuffle; and MUA tells members not to respond to FWO overtures.

Two new members for WA IRC

WA Attorney-General Michael Mischin has appointed two lawyers to the State's IRC.

IR list for Victorian Supreme Court

The Victorian Supreme Court has established an employment and IR list to streamline case management and expedite matters coming to trial.

New FWC member had "intricate" involvement in drafting Act, says AMMA leader

Welcome ceremonies for new FWC members have revealed that one of the new appointees fought so hard for a provision in the Fair Work Act that it was informally named after him, while another told of her "baptism of fire" when she took up her IR legal career with an employer-clientele law firm in the wake of it running the landmark Dollar Sweets case.