Appointments/resignations/movements page 16 of 29

281 articles are classified in All Articles > People > Appointments/resignations/movements

Unionists populate new Victorian Parliament as IR Minister bows out

Labor's emphatic win in the Victorian election will deliver numerous unionists to the State Parliament, while there has been a major change of IR cast as Minister Natalie Hutchins today announced she would step down and shadow Minister Robert Clark lost his formerly safe Liberal seat.

Former FWC member advised on Guthrie sacking

Former ABC chair Justin Milne has revealed that the broadcaster's board received advice from a past FWC member before deciding to sack managing director Michelle Guthrie.

ABCC deputy Cato moves on

ABCC deputy commissioner Cathy Cato, who acted as the watchdog's leader when long-serving head Nigel Hadgkiss left last year, has resigned to take up a senior state public sector job.

IR back at top table as O'Dwyer handed Cabinet role

Industrial relations has been restored to the Cabinet following Prime Minister Scott Morrison's appointment of Kelly O'Dwyer to the revamped portfolio of Jobs, IR and Women.

Court whittles personal payments orders

The big stick handed to the ABCC in the form of personal payment orders against contravening union officials has been whittled further with two Federal Court decisions reinforcing that past records and a clear appreciation of consequences must first be taken into account.

Lloyd breached service's own conduct code: APS watchdog

Former Australian Public Service Commissioner John Lloyd breached the service's code of conduct by emailing research about government enterprise agreements to a free-market think tank, a high-level inquiry has found.

Worker blew last chance "spectacularly"; Alcoa strike; & more

Worker blew last chance "in spectacular fashion"; Alcoa mine and refinery workers down tools; Foreign pilots visa designed to drive down salaries: Union; Emergency services commissioner resigns over bullying.

Newsflash: New APS Commissioner appointed

Former ambassador and current Prime Ministerial chief of staff Peter Woolcott has been announced as the new APS Commissioner, succeeding John Lloyd.

ACTU's new 'dynamic duo' issues rallying cry to unions

ACTU secretary Sally McManus has today mounted a spirited defence of solidarity among union members, saying that calling a strikebreaker a "scab" is "an accurate description", while the peak body's new president said she experienced the power of unions when as 14-year-old waitress, members helped her fight back against sexual harassment by a supervisor.