Appointments/resignations/movements page 15 of 29

281 articles are classified in All Articles > People > Appointments/resignations/movements

Honours for Reith, Wood and Kelly

Former Howard Government IR Minister Peter Reith, barrister Stuart Wood and union leader Graeme Kelly have been recognised in this year's Australia Day Honours.

Labor, unions fume over Ministerial picks to bolster FWC numbers

Just months after employers called on the Coalition to consider installing seven new FWC members, pointedly highlighting the number of ALP appointees, the Morrison Government has announced five new deputy presidents and a commissioner, many with strong links to the business sector.

Don't forsake 12% super target for quick buck: Weaven

Retiring industry super fund architect Garry Weaven has urged the ACTU to integrate its campaign for wage increases with plans to raise compulsory superannuation contributions to 12%, dismissing a recent think tank report arguing the two are incompatible.

Don't shut out banks from super, says industry fund pioneer

A key architect of the industry superannuation movement, Garry Weaven, has challenged the push by unions to ban for-profit retail super funds, following the damning evidence heard by the Hayne Royal Commission.

Burrow faces Italian test to retain top role

Former ACTU president Sharan Burrow faces a challenge to her position as secretary-general of the International Trade Union Confederation, the top job in the global union movement.