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CFMMEU's Bukarica to join PM's office

The Albanese Government is continuing to add to its IR expertise, with the the appointment to the PM's office of long-serving CFMMEU mining and energy division national legal officer Alex Bukarica as a senior advisor.

New FWC member's welcome reveals good chemistry

A leading silk has recalled how one of the FWC's newest members "effortlessly" combined death metal jeans and flannelette shirts during his days as a long-haired chemical engineering student, before being drawn by the siren song of a career in law.

FWC commissioner's "schnitty gate" past remembered

An official welcome for a new FWC member has heard how he once led a court case revolving around chicken schnitzels that ended with orders to pay more than $70,000 to the family company of a future IR minister.

Strikes and FWC disputes part of new member's childhood

Former IR Minister Michaelia Cash's final employer-side appointment to the FWC has told how his mother still chafes at the Commission's determination in a matter where she appeared as an employee witness.

Labor brings James back from wilderness to run DEWR

The Albanese Government has appointed former Fair Work Ombudsman Natalie James as the secretary of the new Department of Employment and Workplace Relations that opens its doors next week.

ANMF's Olson stepping down after doing it his way

The leader of the ANMF's West Australian branch, Mark Olson, is stepping down after 24 years in the job and an often mercurial approach, which included taking the view that unions should not "shy away" from the Abbott Government's Heydon royal commission into trade unions.