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Ex-PM unveils statue of equal pay activist Zelda D'Aprano

Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard has unveiled a statue commemorating the landmark 1969 equal pay protest by trade union activist and feminist Zelda D'Aprano, who chained herself to the door of the Commonwealth building in Melbourne.

New FWC member reveals teenage passion for IR

A welcome ceremony for new FWC member Sharon Durham has heard the Queensland IR Minister's former chief of staff discovered IR was her thing at 17 years old while working as a services union print room assistant and learnt the 80/20 bargaining rule at the plumbers union.

Outgoing AWU leader makes final pitch on local manufacturing

AWU national secretary Daniel Walton is stepping down after almost seven years, announcing his departure at the same time as pressuring the Albanese Labor Government to promote domestic manufacturing by introducing an export tax on unprocessed critical minerals.

Albanese Government appoints eight new members to FWC

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke has today continued his "rebalancing" of the Fair Work Commission, appointing seven commissioners and a deputy president, all with union or union-friendly backgrounds.

New leader for APSC

The Albanese Government has appointed its secretary for public sector reform, Gordon de Brouwer, as the new Australian Public Service Commissioner, as the federal public sector prepares for a return to centralised bargaining.

RBA board appointees came from candidates list: Lowe

Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe says the two new appointments to the RBA board - ex-FWC president Iain Ross and business executive Elena Rubin - came from an existing list of potential candidates.

Greg Vines to lead Comcare

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke has today announced former ILO deputy director-general Greg Vines' appointment as chief executive of Comcare.

Search underway after APS leader Woolcott retires

Public Service Minister Katy Gallagher has paid tribute to outgoing Public Service Commissioner Peter Woolcott, who has announced that he will retire when his five-year term ends.

Union stalwart has historic win in federal by-election

Former long-serving union organiser and ACTU manager Mary Doyle has achieved a historic victory in yesterday's by-election for the federal seat of Aston on Melbourne's eastern fringe.