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Embattled NUW branch makes big loss on media play

The NUW's troubled NSW branch faces a complete $250,000 write-down on its investment in a failed media company, Manic Times Pty Ltd, while the union's national secretary has confirmed it proceeded with a fundraiser that came under fire in the Heydon Royal Commission.

Four new members for FWC

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash today appointed a former Freehills and Clayton Utz lawyer, an ACCI IR director and two IR managers as members of the FWC, while she extended the term of the tribunal's sole acting commissioner.

Court rejects "dogsbody's" claim that Palmer promised $1m salary

Queensland's Supreme Court has dismissed an accountant's claim that Clive Palmer verbally offered to pay him a $1 million annual salary for five years, finding instead that the accountant was correctly paid the $100,000 (later $150,000) a year agreed in written employment contracts.

NSW union leader Mark Lennon set to step down

Unions NSW secretary Mark Lennon is set to announce that he is stepping down, opening the way for generational change at a key peak union body.