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Gain for Gordon Legal has RCT nursing a hangover

Gordon Legal has won the legal work of Victoria's biggest union, the ANMF's State branch, after poaching key employment lawyers from a rival firm, Ryan Carlisle Thomas.

FAAA secretary dismissed for gross misbehaviour

The Flight Attendants Association national divisional council has dismissed secretary Andrew Staniforth for gross misbehaviour and neglect of duty, amid a bruising dispute which has taken its toll on all parties.

Kathy Jackson trial might take three months

The trial of former HSU leader Kathy Jackson will call about 90 witnesses and might take three months, the Victorian County Court heard today.

Cash to be grilled again over AWU raids next month

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash faces another grilling in Senate Estimates hearings over the AFP's raids on the AWU at the behest of the Registered Organisations Commission.

Oaky North lockout to extend to 132 days

The giant miner Glencore has extended the lockout of about 190 workers at its Oaky North coal mine in Queensland for another two weeks, to 132 days. Meanwhile, the union that represents the mineworkers has a new general secretary.

Cash offered separate legislation on error-correction power

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash said last night that she made an offer to the Opposition to split-off into a separate Bill elements of the "four-yearly review" legislation that enable the FWC to overlook technical and minor errors in agreements, after tribunal president Iain Ross twice wrote asking her to urgently secure its passage.

Sidelined union leader gathering friends on Facebook

Embattled Flight Attendants Association national division secretary Andrew Staniforth has taken to social media to assert he is innocent of financial impropriety, ahead of an independent investigator's report which will on Friday determine whether he should be immediately reinstated.