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Minister lauds HR skills of new IR tribunal member

A representative for IR Minister Kelly O'Dwyer has praised a new FWC presidential appointee for his HR expertise and direct business experience, observing it is "not a common attribute" of Commission members "who tend to operate in the IR system".

VTHC's four-day fix for personal payment order

An online campaign backed by the Victorian Trades Hall Council says it has raised $44,000 to pay a personal fine levied against CFMMEU official Joe Myles, while the ABCC has confirmed it started nine investigations into workers who walked off the job to attend the ACTU's "change the rules" rallies last year.

George Polites remembered

A gathering in Melbourne yesterday to celebrate the life of employer advocate George Polites heard tributes from IR Minister Kelly O'Dwyer and Hancock committee chair Keith Hancock.

Vale, George Polites

George Polites, one of the nation's longest-serving and most prominent advocates for Australian industry, has passed away peacefully at his home in Melbourne, aged 100.

Honours for Reith, Wood and Kelly

Former Howard Government IR Minister Peter Reith, barrister Stuart Wood and union leader Graeme Kelly have been recognised in this year's Australia Day Honours.

Labor, unions fume over Ministerial picks to bolster FWC numbers

Just months after employers called on the Coalition to consider installing seven new FWC members, pointedly highlighting the number of ALP appointees, the Morrison Government has announced five new deputy presidents and a commissioner, many with strong links to the business sector.