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ASU's White in departure lounge

ASU assistant national secretary Linda White, arguably Australian unions' savviest analyst of the aviation industry, intends to step down from her role in coming weeks.

Client ordered to pay for barrister's advice

A tribunal has ordered a former client of IR barrister Tim Donaghey to pay him $3500 for legal advice, while dismissing her $15,000 compensation claim against him for alleged distress, harassment and the exacerbation of a psychiatric injury.

Commissioner overturns bar on Lloyd documents

Information Commissioner Angelene Falk has ordered the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet to release email communications between its then secretary and former Public Service Commissioner John Lloyd about matters including the APS workplace bargaining policy.

Corporates tending to disclose poor conduct: Jenkins

Major corporates are slowly shifting from keeping cases of harassment and inappropriate conduct confidential to an understanding that disclosure helps protect their brands, according to Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins.

AMP's harassment saga claims chair as accused demoted

Financial services giant AMP Limited's handling of a s-xual harassment complaint has today brought about the resignation of its chair David Murray, while the senior executive at the centre of the allegations has been demoted.

FWC's Kovacic had poor opinion of umpires: Brother

Mourners at today's live-streamed funeral service for John Kovacic heard that the otherwise mild-mannered man who joined the nation's industrial umpire in 2013 became a different character when he attended a rugby league match featuring his beloved Wests Tigers, when referees making adverse rulings were "blind", or "stupid".

Kovacic funeral live-streamed

The private funeral service for FWC Deputy President John Kovacic will be live-streamed on Friday.

Senator's shift could stymie Coalition's IR changes

The newly-independent South Australian Senator Rex Patrick says he will now focus on job creation through industry policy and value-added manufacturing to help Australia recover from the coronavirus pandemic rather than "tweaking the IR rules" as sought by the Morrison Government.

Vale John Kovacic

FWC Deputy President and proud wharfie's son John Kovacic has died, aged 63.