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Thommo pulls up stumps

John (Thommo) Thompson, who recently retired from the Queensland IRC after more than 20 years on the bench, says the tribunal has fared better than some its counterparts because of successive state governments' willingness to expand the matters within its ambit.

Cash in, Porter out after reshuffle

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has today stripped Christian Porter of his IR and Attorney-General's portfolios and handed them to Senator Michaelia Cash, who has been acting in the roles.

Coalition hasn't given up on IR change

The Morrison Government remains committed to advancing the changes to the Fair Work Act it abruptly dropped last Thursday, the Attorney-General's Department's head told a Senate Estimates hearing today.

Gallagher BLF leadership dealt Mundey "terrible injustice"

In a eulogy at today's state funeral for Green Bans leader Jack Mundey, CFMMEU construction and general division secretary Dave Noonan acknowledged the "terrible injustice" when his leadership predecessor Norm Gallagher blacklisted and summarily expelled the former BLF leader.

Hitch for ACCC in CFMMEU cartel case

The ACCC has had a major setback in its landmark cartel case against the CFMMEU construction and general division's ACT branch and its secretary, Jason O'Mara.