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Cooper to head up international IR association

Leading workplace and gender expert, Sydney University's Professor Rae Cooper, has been named as president-elect of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association.

Trucking body boss to lead ACCI

Andrew McKellar, currently head of the Australian Trucking Association after gaining a wide range of private and public sector experience here and overseas, is set to become the chief executive of the ACCI.

Labor writes to Ross about member's conduct

Labor Senator Deborah O'Neill has formally raised concerns about the conduct and performance of FWC Deputy President Gerard Boyce with the tribunal's president, Iain Ross.

IR experience not essential for FWC members: Cash

IR Minister Michaelia Cash has defended the appointment of former federal Liberal frontbencher Sophie Mirabella to the FWC, maintaining that experience in employment law or IR is "not necessarily" a requirement.

FWC welcomes Mirabella, O'Neill to ranks

The FWC has in officially welcoming two new members heard how one negotiated her own pay rates as a 12-year-old and the other was indebted to a member of the bar who always took her enquiring phone calls as a junior lawyer "and never told me the answer".

New chief commissioner for WA IRC

The McGowan Government has appointed long-serving WA IRC senior member Stephen Kenner as the tribunal's Chief Commissioner, with Perth-based barrister Rachel Cosentino to replace him as Senior Commissioner.

A-G's seeking FWC GM applications by mid-May

The Attorney-General's Department has moved to speedily appoint a new general manager to the FWC, while signalling that a key part of the role is to oversee "significant transformation" of the tribunal's "digital capabilities".

A little respect: FWC member welcomed

A new FWC member has warned that anyone who uses the term "with respect" when addressing him at the tribunal does so at their peril.

Sidelining Holgate breached her contract: SC

Australia Post's standing aside of chief executive Christine Holgate unlawfully breached her employment contract, according to a legal opinion tabled at a Senate inquiry into the publicly-owned enterprise.