Fair Work Ombudsman and predecessors page 12 of 22

213 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Ombudsman and predecessors

Big fines for employer that withheld parental leave payments

The Federal Court has ordered a company and its director to pay substantial fines for failing to pass on more than $11,000 in parental leave payments to a cook and then concealing their actions after the FWO began asking questions.

Court jails contemptuous underpaying employer

An underpaying employer has spent a night in prison before winning a stay on a 12-month jail term imposed for defying a court order that froze his assets.

Economics professor underpaid workers, claims FWO

In its pursuit of a former economics professor for allegedly paying his employees as little as $10 an hour, the FWO is also seeking an injunction to restrain him from future breaches.

FWO-Home Affairs 'firewall' needed to protect migrant workers: Academic

As Unions NSW calls for an "ironclad" deportation amnesty for foreign workers involved in wage theft investigations, an IR academic says a complete firewall between the FWO and the Department of Home Affairs would help move the law enforcement focus from migrants to their employers.

Underpaying medical service to cough up $300,000

A company providing first aid services at major events has been fined $250,000 for underpaying casuals after a medical certificate attesting its sole director was "unfit for work/school" over a five-day period that included the court hearing failed to secure an adjournment.

Ombudsman seeking new powers to kneecap repeat offenders

The Fair Work Ombudsman has called for ASIC-style powers to ask a court to disqualify "repeat offenders" from running companies and avoiding backpay and penalties through phoenix company activity.

Ombudsman apologises for employer's inspector "mate"

The Fair Work Ombudsman disciplined one of its senior inspectors over his unauthorised participation to help an employer in a conciliation conference convened by the FWC, a new tribunal decision reveals.

Caltex failed to heed warnings: FWO

An FWO report released hot on the heels of Caltex's announcement that it will exit franchising has revealed non-compliance at 76% of audited sites and accuses the oil giant of contributing to breaches by failing to put effective systems in place, despite warnings.

Ombudsman bares teeth on sham contract

The Federal Circuit Court has found a dental practice that entered into a sham contract to help an international student obtain a 457 visa breached multiple IR laws and underpaid her by almost $67,000, but compensation might be complicated by a finding that she was a party to the scam.