Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 98 of 203

2025 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

Qantas JobKeeper appeal thrown out

Qantas has failed in its challenge to FWC powers to review how it applied the JobKeeper scheme to a worker claiming he was short-changed, a full bench finding among other reasons that the airline's characterisation of the dispute was "somewhat artificial".

Potential "wide ramifications" in court's stand-down ruling

In a matter a judge has speculated could have "wide ramifications" regarding stand-downs, Qantas and Jetstar have won an injunction stopping the FWC from arbitrating a dispute concerning hundreds of engineers rendered idle by the pandemic.

McDonald's granted award flexibility to help "weather storm"

More than 200,000 award-covered fast food industry workers face temporary cuts to part-time hours and reduced overtime penalties under fiercely-contested, pandemic-related changes approved by an FWC full bench.

Employers should not "falsely amplify" safety issues: Tribunal

An FWC member has cautioned employers not to "falsely amplify" safety hazards, ordering the reinstatement of a BluesScope worker accused of almost tipping a large steel coil in circumstances where there was "zero" likelihood of anyone being injured.

"Chasm" between deals an existential threat: Employer

Citing a failure of the IR system and an uneven playing field created by old deals continuing to operate, a security company has on the basis of exceptional circumstances sought approval for an agreement acknowledged as failing the better off overall test.

"Outraged" whistle blowers take their case to FWC

National Rugby League referees have for the second time in two years found themselves before the FWC as they contest a decision to cut from two to one the number officiating games from the competition's planned re-start on May 28.

FWC confirms power to delay minimum wage increase

The FWC has opened the door on a potential delay to any minimum wage increase this year, observing it can change the effective date in "exceptional circumstances".

Fast food fight looming; ROC's Enright fires back at senator; & more

Rebel union to line up against Minister, employers over award changes; ROC's Enright gets right of reply to Labor Senator; Award changes to support vehicle sector "in crisis"; Simplifying awards "code" for making profits, says academic; and Who's dipping into super?

Qantas seeks clamp on FWC arbitrating engineer dispute

Qantas and Jetstar are seeking a Federal Court injunction stopping the FWC from arbitrating a dispute over the stand-down of hundreds of licenced aircraft maintenance engineers, plus declarations that it was outside their control.

First Jobkeeper dispute decision goes against employee

A stood down part-time employee receiving double her usual wage on the JobKeeper scheme unreasonably refused a request to use up one day's annual leave each week over 16 weeks, the FWC has found.