Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 90 of 204

2036 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

Academic fairly sacked after indulging in "game of semantics"

Upholding the dismissal of an academic who deliberately stymied all attempts to establish her fitness to return to work, the FWC has found she treated the process like a "game of semantics" through which she could wear her employer down.

Union given "blunt" feedback over flawed FWC case

A senior FWC member has taken aim at a union for exhuming a member's five-year-old allowance grievance, observing that it risked its reputation by unenthusiastically pursuing such a "stale" and "obviously flawed" case.

WFH impacts factored into proposed COVID-19 deal variation

The FWC is considering COVID-19 variations to Queensland University of Technology agreements that include a requirement to factor in the pandemic's effect on employees' working environment and personal lives when managing performance.

Member "misapplied" safety procedure in reinstating worker: Bench

BlueScope Steel has for the second time in a year succeeded in challenging the reinstatement of a worker dismissed for a critical safety breach, an FWC full bench resoundingly rejecting a tribunal member's characterisation of the incident as "minor".

Pastor told to "repent" free to pursue unfair dismissal claim

A church has failed to persuade the FWC that a pastor was not an employee when he was given an ultimatum to "repent" or be "released" from his role, the tribunal finding that his regular salary and leave payments for full-time hours indicated the existence of a legal relationship.

"Incompetent" HR manager bungled sacking: FWC

An "incompetent" HR manager's bungled sacking of a retail worker has contributed to an FWC finding that it was unfair, despite the employee's secret recordings of disciplinary meetings providing a valid reason.

Employer's undertakings not enough to save 2007 deal

A dismissed worker and a union that was not a party to a major security company's pre-Fair Work agreement have succeeded in getting it terminated despite opposition from the employer and a number of current employees.