Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 85 of 204

2036 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

FWC bench rejects employer argument over casuals' overtime

The FWC has in varying 97 awards to address casuals' overtime payments rejected employer arguments that its application of a compounding formula in the aged care sector contradicts the "widely accepted" proposition that penalties should not be applied to loadings.

ACTU positioning to make case for WFH rights

The ACTU will soon release an online workers' survey which will be used to identify elements of a union claim for "working from home rights", while helping to "frame" the public debate.

Big employer fell short of its investigation standards: FWC

An ASX-listed company failed to meet its own standards for investigating alleged misconduct when it neglected to interview two key witnesses and relied upon a manager's inaccurate account of a worker's response to accusations, the FWC has found.

Employer's "tin ear" over remote worker's COVID-19 pressures

In a decision highlighting the challenges of managing remote workers during a pandemic, the FWC has awarded compensation to a salesperson dismissed after a director took exception to her attitude during a teleconference and drew negative conclusions about her productivity after scrutinising her Instagram posts.

Entry permit granted despite coronavirus-related slip-up

The FWC has issued a new entry permit to an AMOU organiser who claimed his COVID-19-related workload twice led to him inadvertently using an expired ticket when he visited members on offshore vessels.

"If only her solicitor had been as diligent": Bench

An FWC bench has on the basis of representative error allowed a late unfair dismissal application after noting how thoroughly the employee pursued her claim, remarking "if only her solicitor had been as diligent".

'Time fraud' sacking upheld despite employer being "asleep at the wheel"

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a patrolling council worker accused of "time fraud", despite finding that her supervisor was "asleep at the wheel" in overlooking GPS data revealing that she regularly started late and visited her partner's home during work hours.