Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 72 of 204

2031 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

Newsflash: Deliveroo rider an employee, says tribunal

The FWC has in finding a Deliveroo rider was an employee who must be reinstated criticised the platform for a "callous and perfunctory" dismissal "most notable for its absence of compassion".

Something fishy about "novel" employment category: FWC

The FWC has rejected a leading seafood producer's attempt to introduce a "novel" employment category that would place employees on a full-time roster with 5% loading to compensate for the loss of up to eight hours' work at short notice.

Act on full court's plea: Amendola

Leading IR lawyer Steven Amendola says a response is needed to last week's call by a full Federal Court for a better system to handle litigants with "serious mental health problems".

FWC presidential member "descended into the arena": Bench

An FWC full bench has quashed the decisions of a presidential member who refused to recuse himself before finding Regional Express executives bullied an engineer, holding he mistook legal principles and engaged in "entirely unjustified and inappropriate criticism".

Second-time-around sacking unfair without fresh evidence: FWC

A government agency has been ordered to reinstate a worker dismissed a year after it attributed a workplace vehicle collision to "human error", the FWC finding it had produced no further evidence to warrant the change of heart.

Supervisor allegedly wanted $50K to disappear "quietly"

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a traffic management supervisor who allegedly directed his union representative to ask for $50,000 to "go away quietly" after the employment relationship was soured by his refusal to be on-call on weekends.

Deal termination rejected despite no work

In a significant decision on the definition of an employee, the FWC has rejected a pharmaceutical manufacturer's bid to terminate its agreement after finding that the vast majority of workers laid off after a factory fire had not been invited to vote on the proposal.

"Death row" manager's late application dismissed

A manager placed on "death row" after missing sales targets has had his one-minute-late unfair dismissal application rejected despite the FWC finding he had an arguable case.

Search limitations reduce visibility of FWC decisions: Bench

A FWC full bench has thrown out the appeal of a manager who failed to block the publication of a jurisdictional dismissal decision or have her name removed from it, to avoid identity theft or damage to her job prospects.