Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 57 of 204

2035 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

Protest that flouted public health orders justified sacking: FWC

The FWC has distinguished between "regular" industrial protests and those likely to attract "public outrage" during pandemic restrictions in finding a crane company entitled to sack an operator who attended a violent anti-vax rally outside CFMMEU offices in Melbourne.

On-demand award recognises "the world's moved on": Menulog

A FWC full bench considering whether to make the country's first gig economy award has been told that "the world's moved on" for food delivery workers since the creation 12 years ago of two instruments held by unions and employers to already cover the occupation.

Bench ponders the meaning of "dismissed"

A five-member FWC bench has reserved its decision in a case with far-reaching implications regarding when workers can be said to have been dismissed.

FWC queries worker's potentially-fraudulent vax certificate

A senior FWC member has invited "relevant authorities" to investigate a potentially fraudulent COVID-19 vaccination certificate supplied to an employer by a worker claiming to have been unlawfully stood down.

"Extensive" domestic violence explained late claim: FWC

The FWC has provided a one-day extension of time to a worker who presented comprehensive evidence to support her argument that she ran late because she experienced "extensive" domestic violence that led to her being admitted to hospital.

BHP workers facing sack after recalibrated vax mandate

BHP says it will ask 35 Mt Arthur coal mine workers why it should not sack them if they continue to defy its vaccination mandate after engaging in a fresh FWC-assisted consultation process.

Transgress again and face removal: Ross to Dean

Fair Work Commission President Iain Ross told IR Minister Michaelia Cash that if Deputy President Lyndall Dean repeated her misconduct when she made contentious anti-vaccination comments in a September decision, it would be time to consider removing her from office.

Extra 40 minutes' travel made job offer unacceptable: FWC

The FWC has in an instructive decision about reasonable additional travel when considering alternative employment found that a salesperson was justified in turning down an offer requiring a total of 40 minutes extra commuting.

$1m damages claim over suggestive Sydney Water poster

A Sydney Water employee whose image was used in a suggestive OHS poster has been cleared to pursue more than $1 million in damages after the FWC ruled that a series of failures in her employer's response forced her to resign.