Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 54 of 203

2025 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

FWC launches free online training site

The Fair Work Commission has launched a new online training facility, starting with two courses that explain interest-based bargaining.

Sydney most likely post if new FWC member hired: GM

If the Federal Government appoints a new member to the FWC, they are likely to be located in Sydney, the tribunal's general manager told a Senate Estimates hearing last night.

Spurned AWU fails to sink rival's greenfields deal

Despite AWU objections, the FWC has approved an employer's greenfields civil construction deal with rival the CFMMEU, observing that the former's historic coverage of the sector did not guarantee a place at the negotiating table.

Wage case timetable; Query over Senate witness treatment; & more

Provisional wage review timetable approved; Secure jobs inquiry queries witness treatment; New FWC website to launch this weekend; Permit suspended after underwhelming case; Productivity Inquiry gets underway; Labour Hire Authority thwarts "phoenixing"; and Feedback sought on online hearings.

ABCC warned over "misuse" of powers

A FWC full bench has warned the ABCC it is a "misuse" of power to raise appeal grounds contrary to its initial position, while rejecting the construction watchdog's claim the tribunal must consider a need for general deterrence when deciding whether to suspend or revoke entry permits.

"Big win" for Deliveroo ahead of reactivated case

Deliveroo's appeal against a finding that driver Diego Franco is an employee is set to be revived following today's High Court Jamsek and Personnel Contracting judgments that affirm that employment relationships are substantially defined by contractual terms.

"Outdated" approach good reason to axe 2008 deal: Nando's

Global fast food chain Nando's has told the FWC that it risked being left with a "confusing and cumbersome" pay structure for almost 2000 employees unless it succeeded in terminating a near-14-year-old deal with an "outdated" approach to penalty rates.

FWC bench picks date for horticultural award overhaul

Employers have succeeded in winning a short delay to the introduction of a minimum wage guarantee in the horticulture award after a FWC bench accepted they needed time to revise their payroll systems and recruitment practices.

Law student's challenge to COVID-19 sacking binned

The FWC has thrown out an unfair dismissal case brought by a law student sacked from a full-time job as a legal assistant for failing to get a COVID-19 jab, finding she did not complete the required minimum employment term after taking time off to sit exams.