Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 39 of 204

2035 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

FWC rejects employer's take on strike notification

The FWC has rejected an employer's bid to stop planned strikes at a $1 billion lithium plant, after finding that its interpretation of notification requirements would effectively shave a day off the protected period.

Nobody told us to resume considering appeal: FWC bench

A FWC full bench has taken a union and employer to task for failing to notify it to resume hearing the former's challenge to a contentious hospitality deal under which employees can work "voluntary" additional hours without penalties.

Low-paying education deals slash average pay rises

Agreements lodged with the FWC in the fortnight to September 9 delivered annual rises of just 2.4% – the lowest in the short history of the Commission's "real-time" bargained wage data – after education deals effectively paying 1.7% a year to more than 10,000 workers dragged down the average increase.

Bench rejects bid to quietly quash greenfields deal

John Holland's failure to identify the significance of a decision rejecting its earlier greenfields deal when applying to have an almost identical one approved "verged on misleading", a FWC full bench has held, quashing its approval while refusing to quietly do so "by consent".

Sacked lawyer's vax status not a private matter: FWC

The FWC has tossed out an unfair dismissal claim from a government lawyer responsible for overseeing safe workplaces, finding he fully understood the seriousness of "wilfully and persistently" refusing to confirm his COVID-19 vaccination status.

Air traffic operator's penalties sky high: Full court

A Federal Court majority has slashed by more than 65% penalties imposed on a government-owned organisation for breaching agreement obligations, finding them "manifestly excessive".

CFMMEU hurls rocks back at mining division

Weeks after the CFMMEU's mining and energy division borrowed from the ABCC's playbook to argue for its demerger from the broader union, the latter has returned fire in similar terms, suggesting the division is hardly on the side of the angels itself.

FWC rejects employer's "highly unusual" industrial action bid

The FWC has expanded on its reasons for rejecting an employer's request to terminate its own lock-out of workers so they could no longer take threatened industrial action, describing the "highly unusual" s424 application as inconsistent with the Fair Work Act's bargaining objectives.

Ross fires back over award "complexity"

A FWC full bench has marked the conclusion of the eight-year-long review of modern awards by seeking to rebut persistent claims that they are too complex for employers, observing that while "unpacking" clauses might add to their length, it has also provided greater clarity.

FWC reinstates transport worker who hugged Year 8 student

A Sydney Trains employee has won his job back after he was initially convicted of assaulting a Year 8 student by hugging and kissing her on a platform, the FWC first seeking feedback on whether to move him to another station or role.