Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 201 of 204

2031 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

Open justice trumps suppression order in bullying case

The FWC has again refused to suppress the names of an employer and workers facing allegations of bullying, finding that the principle of open justice meant it shouldn't make confidentiality orders.

FWC fails to meet unfair dismissal performance targets

The Fair Work Commission failed to meet its target for finalising unfair claims in 2013-14 due to a big spike in applications early in the reporting period and a shortage of conciliators.

FWC review to tackle NES-awards clashes

Advice from the Fair Work Ombudsman has prompted the Fair Work Commission to set up a full bench to iron out inconsistencies between modern award provisions and the national employment standards, as part of its 4-yearly review.

Nationals senator to FWC panel member: "Pull your head in"

Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie says FWC expert panel member Tim Harcourt is still playing politics despite being counselled by tribunal president Iain Ross that some of his public comments are inconsistent with the Commission's code of conduct.

FWC releases fourth bible for comment

The Fair Work Commission has released its fourth benchbook for public comment, covering enterprise bargaining and agreement making.

No formal decision yet on appeals panel: Abetz

Employment Minister Eric Abetz says that no formal decision has been made to create an appeal jurisdiction for the Fair Work Commission, despite Prime Minister Tony Abbott flagging his personal support for the plan.

Mother of a mistake no justification for late application

Allowing a late unfair dismissal application because of representative error is less likely to occur where the agent is not professionally qualified, a Fair Work Commission appeal bench has ruled.

Don't change FWC appeal process: Law Council

The Law Council has come out against the Coalition's proposed creation of an independent appeal jurisdiction for the Fair Work Commission, saying the current mechanisms "do not need to be altered".