Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 198 of 203

2030 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

Teaching unions restructure

The NSW Teachers Federation has amalgamated its state and federal branches into a single entity, while the NSW/ACT Independent Education Union expects to officially become a subdivision of the IEUA by the beginning of next year.

Court ruling overturns Bechtel ban on protest attendance

A workplace ban on employees accessing leave to participate in a union-led rally on Monday has been overturned, on an interlocutory basis, by the Federal Circuit Court, after it accepted the ETU's argument that the move breached workers' general protections.

Review supporting material for agreement applications, says bench

An FWC full bench has highlighted the importance of scrutinising the "totality of material" lodged to support the approval of agreements, after it quashed a deal that was passed despite "inconsistent" declarations from a HR manager about compliance with mandatory pre-approval steps.

Organiser's conspiracy theory a "bit rich" says FWC

Former CFMEU official Ben Loakes' claims the union conspired to have him sacked have been rejected by the FWC after it found the official's evidence did not stand up to "any scrutiny".

AWU took adverse action against oil company: Court

The AWU faces a substantial damages bill after the Federal Court ruled today that the union took adverse action against Esso Australia when its members undertook unprotected industrial action in March, including using the action to coerce Esso into changing its bargaining position.

Boral wins access to CFMEU documents as damages case looms

Victoria's Supreme Court has compelled the CFMEU to give Boral access to documents, including transcripts of interviews by competition watchdog the ACCC, to assist with its multimillion dollar damages claim for the union's bans on its concrete supplies, which will be heard next month.