Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 181 of 204

2031 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

FWC brokers end to refinery strike

A seven-day strike at a Victorian oil refinery has ended, after it won two court orders to stop pickets and the FWC brokered a return to work.

Valid to sack worker for "bullying" Facebook post: FWC

A worker who made derogatory comments about a supervisor on social media has won $28,000 compensation because he was never told his dismissal was partly based on a confidential report claiming his behaviour had a negative effect on his colleagues.

"Illogical" to consider individual rosters as part of BOOT: FWC

An FWC presidential member has found that despite some "prevailing contemporary opinion to the contrary" it is "illogical" to review employees' rosters or individual circumstances when assessing whether an agreement passes the BOOT.

FWC explains decision to terminate industrial action at airports

The FWC terminated protected action at airports because suspension would have provided a "non-permanent conclusion" to the long-running bargaining dispute between the CPSU and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

Lawler drops court action against Cash

Former FWC Vice President Michael Lawler has dropped Federal Court proceedings against Employment Minister Michaelia Cash over the Heerey inquiry into his conduct.

Lawler takes Cash to Federal Court; and more

Lawler takes on Cash; Perpetrators not entitled to domestic violence leave, says ACTU; PC floats new approach to allocating default super funds; and FWC president refuses to re-open crucial labour hire ruling.