Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 178 of 204

2031 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

Bench awards costs against "obsessive, dogmatic" appellant

An FWC full bench has ordered a nurse intent on having her "day in court" to pay $5,000 in legal costs for pursuing an appeal with no reasonable prospects of success, despite threats she would take her own life if costs went against her.

FWC invites employees to voice opinion on agreement termination bid

The FWC is giving about 1300 employees at a Queensland residential aged care provider until Monday to let it know if they have a view on the QNU's bid to terminate their enterprise agreement, which is opposed by the AWU and United Voice.

Annual leave anomalies on hitlist in FWC's awards review

The Fair Work Commission is proposing to remove "unusual" annual leave and annual leave loading entitlements together with penalties for late payment of wages transferred electronically as part of its four-yearly review into modern awards.

Misconduct discovered post-dismissal legitimate evidence: FWC

A worker sacked for sending "highly sensitive" information to her private email has provided a forum for the FWC to reaffirm that employers can bolster their unfair dismissal defence with evidence of misconduct unearthed after an employee's termination.

Phantom email to client warranted sacking for dishonesty: FWC

The FWC has found that an employer was justified in seeking to protect its reputation by sacking a "dishonest" employee who told a client she had sent an important document when no trace of the email could ever be found.

Employer sacked teachers charged with abuse: Court

A full Federal Court has found a Catholic employer terminated the employment of a school coordinator who had been charged over indecent assault of a minor, opening the way for him to pursue his unfair dismissal claim in the Fair Work Commission.

Independent contracting arrangement a façade: FWC

The FWC has found a roof tiler is an employee who can make an unfair dismissal claim, ruling his employer created an independent contracting "façade" to suit its own purposes and avoid paying his entitlements.

Umpire volunteered for non-trading corporation: FWC

The FWC has rejected an anti-bullying application by a rowing umpire after finding the association she volunteered for was not a trading corporation, despite some of its activities bearing the "necessary hallmarks of trading".

Bank, chief HR manager & former CEO to pay pregnant worker's costs

A court has ordered ANZ, its former chief executive Philip Chronican and two other bank executives, including its chief HR officer, to pay the costs of part of a case brought by an employee who alleged they failed to make reasonable adjustments during her pregnancy.