Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 18 of 203

2025 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

Hearing next week on award review timetable

The FWC will next Tuesday hear responses to its draft timetable for reviewing modern awards to update job security provisions, address work & care issues, weigh whether it can make them easier to use; and consider coverage of the arts and culture sector.

"Deeply flawed" process after harassment claim: FWC

The FWC has ordered the reinstatement of a dump truck driver dismissed after a "deeply flawed" investigation into allegations he exposed a female trainee to explicit images while passing around his phone.

Wrong test applied over workplace fight case: Bench

A FWC member incorrectly apportioned the burden of proof and applied the wrong test for "reasonable" self-defence in ordering reinstatement of a train driver sacked after fighting with a stranger on a station concourse, a full bench has found.

FWC puts Chevron IBD bid on ice after peace deal

In the wake of Chevron and unions backing a FWC recommendation to resolve their bargaining dispute, a FWC full bench has today temporarily adjourned the company's intractable bargaining declaration application, but has left the door open for unions to file a strike-out motion.

"Urgent fix" required for post-PABO mandatory talks: UWU

A union involved in more than 20% of the FWC's s448A compulsory conciliation conferences since they started in June says they come with a significant "risk versus reward overlay" that threatens to derail protected action and an "urgent fix" is required.

FWC members playing active role in pre-strike talks

The FWC's national practice leader for bargaining says "almost all" members are issuing directions in addition to attendance orders ahead of compulsory post-PABO conciliations and appear to be regularly making recommendations during the conferences.

FWC gig power confined to platform workers: Burke

The Albanese Government's legislation to empower the FWC to set minimum standards for "employee-like" gig economy workers will apply only to work performed through digital labour platforms, Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke will reveal in a speech to the National Press Club tomorrow.

Voting on related company's deal a "fundamental" error: FWC

The FWC has declined to approve an agreement made by a group of workers from a related company ahead of them being transferred across to the entity that was to be covered by the deal, rejecting the employer's contention that it was a minor procedural or technical error.

Rentokil workers reinstated after FWC finds bug in process

In a decision highlighting the importance of clear policies and adequate investigations, the FWC has ordered Rentokil to reinstate three sales workers summarily sacked for sharing their commissions after finding it a longstanding practice.