Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 13 of 204

2035 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

More laws, bigger workload, no worries: FWC president

A performance statement by FWC president Adam Hatcher has hailed the tribunal's "successful implementation" of workplace law changes wrought by the Secure Jobs Act, which contributed to a 13% rise in the Commission's workload in the second half of last year.

Compensation numbers don't stack up: FWC

A FWC presidential member has stayed payment of $10,000 to an unfairly sacked worker after going beyond an employer's appeal grounds to identify potential flaws in calculation of the compensation.

FWC provides successful conduit between highly-charged parties

The FWC has played a key role in settling a fiery dispute between the ETU and a battery manufacturer, commending them for taking a "cooperative approach" in accepting the tribunal's recommended changes to a proposed deal.

FWC issues first RO enforceable undertaking

The first enforceable undertaking under the FWC's restored registered organisations powers provides for a union to further train its officers on the conduct of elections.

FWC timetables delegates' rights changes

Interested parties have until next Thursday to comment on a draft timetable to deliver on the Closing Loopholes legislative requirement that, from June 30, all awards contain a term setting out expanded rights for workplace union delegates.

Stop-start traffic control deal gets green light

The FWC has at the second time of asking approved a deal after receiving an undertaking that the employer will not hire anybody under a novel "new entrant" category paying construction workers who become traffic controllers 6% below their award rate at the same time as denying them an industry allowance.

Time to regulate paid IR agents?: FWC

A senior FWC member has questioned whether paid IR agents should be more closely regulated after expressing dismay that a firm had no processes to identify an incorrectly entered date that led to late filing of a worker's unfair dismissal claim.

Try again on award review submission, FWC tells BCA

FWC President Adam Hatcher has given the BCA another fortnight to make a compliant submission to the awards review after it filed a proposal "directly contrary" to the scope of the project.

Bench confirms "fetters" on employer's workforce

Svitzer has failed to convince a FWC full bench that it has an "unfettered" right to choose which category its employees fall into regardless of operating procedures at five ports.

Create new award for visual artists: Unions

Awards do not adequately cover visual artists and the "preferable solution" is for the FWC to create a new award, the ACTU says in its submission to the modern awards review, while also recommending the Government extend the Closing Loopholes Bill's "employee-like" definition to non-digital platform workers.