Anti-discrimination and bullying page 14 of 20

199 articles are classified in All Articles > Workplace policy > Anti-discrimination and bullying

Reinstatement after racist message due to "inexplicable" HR failings

The Reserve Bank must reinstate a senior network engineer who accidentally posted to a WhatsApp workplace group a racist message meant for his wife, the FWC finding its procedural failings despite HR expertise to be "simply inexplicable".

Qantas sued for millions over alleged 30-year-old events

A 55-year-old former cabin crew manager is seeking $1.7 million in lost wages and super, plus future lost earnings until retirement and at least $200,000 in damages from Qantas for alleged sexual discrimination and harassment some 17 to 30 years ago, according to court documents the airline sought to keep under wraps.

Court orders in-house lawyer to pay $200,000 in costs

A senior Victorian public sector lawyer who failed to establish that agreement terms had been incorporated into his employment contract has been ordered to pay his employer the $200,000 in costs it sustained through its undertaking to keep him in his job until the finalisation of the case.

Give FWC anti-harassment powers: AHRC report

Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins in her report of the national inquiry into sexual harassment has recommended the FWC gain new powers to issue orders to halt the conduct, similar to its ability to make anti-bullying orders.

FWC upholds ejection of remorseless buttock-tapper

The FWC has upheld Star Casino's sacking of a food and beverage server who said he tapped a colleague's bottom in an act of comradery, accused three workmates of entrapping him and threatened to "raise hell" for his employer.

"People like you can't get pregnant" remark justified sacking

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of an Energy Australia employee who told one colleague she could not get pregnant due to her sexuality and suggested to another that he was related to Deepak Chopra because of his Indian descent.

Brawl at BHP Xmas party justifies sacking

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a BHP Coal mineworker who punched a supervisor in the face and asked a colleague if she had "fake t-ts" at a company Christmas party, but has reinstated another employee dismissed for serious misconduct at the same event.

Exclusion from Christmas cheer "not bullying": FWC

The FWC has refused to issue an interim anti-bullying order against an employer that excluded a cleaner from a workplace Christmas celebration and refused to give her leave on Australia Day, but has criticised its "poor and clumsy" handling of the worker's complaints.