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Research aids ACTU bid for paid FDV leave

The ACTU's bid for 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave has been bolstered by new FWC-commissioned research indicating that a third of recent agreements have a paid entitlement and half of those deals provide at least the quantum the peak body is seeking.

IR on waterfront "requires attention": ACCC

The ACCC says IR has played a "pivotal role" in inhibiting productivity and efficiency gains at Australian ports, citing clauses in enterprise agreements that restrict recruitment decisions and automation.

Dangers as AI-based recruitment goes mainstream: Academic

As artificial intelligence-based systems for recruitment and selection of employees have moved from the "periphery" to "centre stage" in the past decade, their largely unregulated and poorly understood use has given rise to transparency issues and discrimination risks, according to a leading IR academic.

Employers choosing from five WFH models: Research

The COVID-19 pandemic has spawned five distinct work-from-home models, according to the authors of a FWC-commissioned study that found formal policies and relatively fixed hours are key to a successful WFH strategy.

Workplaces losing menopausal workers in their prime: Inquiry

Three in five women encounter difficulties at work due to menopause and many are leaving at what might be the "peak of their experience", according to a UK inquiry that is hearing how to provide better support.

Call for federally-funded employers to hire direct

A Labor/Greens-majority secure work Senate inquiry is calling on the Morrison Government to require federally-funded entities, including universities, aged care and disability services, to give preference to direct, permanent jobs.

FWC to create "low-paid CPI" for wage case

The FWC's minimum wage panel has revealed that it is developing a consumer price index for low paid households and a budget of discretionary items required to participate in society, while one of its members says the pandemic will make that already difficult task even more complex.

Work and care spheres "colliding" in retail: SDA

The more than one million retail workers need more stable rosters, better pay and greater job security, along with flexible and affordable childcare, to enable them to meet their caring responsibilities, according to a new university study commissioned by the SDA.

Rapid FWC response crucial in COVID-19 survival strategy: Paper

Australia had less need than other countries to turn to legislation to provide short-term workplace flexibility in response to COVID-19 because of "swift" and "bold" yet self-restrained interventions by the FWC, according to new research.

WFH shift should spur reform of flexibility request rights: Study

The insights gained from the rapid shift to working from home during COVID-19 could lead to the adoption of a "genuine consultation" requirement under the Fair Work Act's "right to request" flexibility that might start "a conversation aimed at reaching a mutually suitable arrangement", according to a new paper by two leading IR academics.