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Productivity up, hours down: ABS

Productivity in the private sector has increased in the past three quarters on the back of a reduction in hours worked, while real labour costs have dropped for the past two quarters, according to ABS national accounts data released today.

Pay growth eases for first time in four years: ABS

Annual growth in private sector pay has gone backwards for the first time since the height of the pandemic, according to ABS data released today, but it continues to outpace inflation.

Australia near lead of 15-year productivity race: FWC

Australia's labour productivity growth is close to the top of the league table for comparable advanced economies, trailing the leading US by a small margin over the past 15 years, according to a new FWC publication.

WGEA names gender pay equity laggards

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency has revealed a NDIS health service, the Energizer battery giant and an investment and logistics company have the largest median total remuneration gender pay gaps, while construction topped the list on an industry basis, under new laws requiring the agency to annually report the performance of companies with 100-plus employees.

Create new award for visual artists: Unions

Awards do not adequately cover visual artists and the "preferable solution" is for the FWC to create a new award, the ACTU says in its submission to the modern awards review, while also recommending the Government extend the Closing Loopholes Bill's "employee-like" definition to non-digital platform workers.

WFH stabilises after pandemic: ABS

About 37% of workers are working regularly from home, down from 40% at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, but well above the pre-COVID-19 level of 32%, according to new ABS data.

FWC research to identify gender-based undervaluation in 12 awards

The FWC has today launched the next stage of its gender pay equity research, in which it will examine a dozen awards covering highly-feminised sectors to uncover indicators of gender-based undervaluation of minimum rates, ahead of the 2023-24 annual wage review.

Wage increases not driving up inflation: Analysis

Award wage increases have responded to rather than contributed to higher price inflation, and although the tight labour market has brought higher pay growth, it is "not enough to be a threat to slowing price inflation", according to a leading labour market economist.