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Schools put on notice over volunteer roles

The IEU says it will call out non-government schools over a widespread practice of engaging staff and others in key co-curricular roles as "volunteers", after a Queensland college back paid more than $2 million and entered into an enforceable undertaking with the FWO.

NAB's "overworked" managers to sue

The FSU says it will sue the National Australia Bank after a survey of more than 1000 middle managers revealed widespread excessive unpaid work and "unbearable levels of stress and anxiety", but the bank says there is no such expectation of extra hours.

FWC full bench rules BHP's vax mandate "unreasonable"

In a decision that threatens to undermine employer attempts to impose COVID-19 vaccination mandates, a five-member FWC bench has ruled BHP failed to adequately consult with workers at its Mt Arthur mine before announcing deadlines on site access.

CUB had right to resist reinstatement of on-hire worker: Full Court

A full Federal Court has dismissed an on-hire worker's bid to overturn a FWC ruling that it could not force a labour hire company to reinstate him to his former job at client CUB, upholding the tribunal's finding giving primacy to the host employer's right to determine who it allowed on its site.

Virgin deleting COVID vax proof after health profile concerns

The aircraft engineers union says no employers should require proof of COVID-19 inoculations that include individual healthcare identifiers, with Virgin agreeing in consent orders to delete the material amid concerns they could be used to access medical histories for other purposes.

Coles' backpay $100M short, claims FWO

The FWO alleges in court proceedings filed yesterday that Coles owes its managers about $100 million more than it has made allowance for following internal payroll audits looking at the underpayments.

On-demand award would create "arbitrary schism": Academics

A trio of IR academics has ahead of next week's hearing of Menulog's application to create an on-demand delivery services award warned the FWC it would lead to an "arbitrary schism" between workers performing the same jobs.

Late application allowed after tardy HR advice

The FWC has extended time for a Victorian tram driver wrongly told he could use his employer's internal appeals process to challenge his sacking, with the advice not corrected by HR until a day after the tribunal's filing deadline.