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Rio acknowledges culture report "deeply disturbing"

Rio Tinto's HR practitioners are among the most confident within the company that it can tackle "deeply disturbing" levels of sexual harassment, bullying and racism, as an external report recommends it create an independent unit to better handle complaints.

FWC bench picks date for horticultural award overhaul

Employers have succeeded in winning a short delay to the introduction of a minimum wage guarantee in the horticulture award after a FWC bench accepted they needed time to revise their payroll systems and recruitment practices.

Law student's challenge to COVID-19 sacking binned

The FWC has thrown out an unfair dismissal case brought by a law student sacked from a full-time job as a legal assistant for failing to get a COVID-19 jab, finding she did not complete the required minimum employment term after taking time off to sit exams.

FWC to hear game-changing bid to end waterfront deal

Patrick stevedores' application to terminate its enterprise agreement is set to be heard by the FWC next week, in a case with far-reaching implications for work arrangements on the waterfront.

On-demand award stumbles at threshold

Menulog appears to have suffered a self-inflicted wound in its quest to establish a gig economy beachhead within the existing IR framework, the FWC finding its workers fall under an award that pays more than the one it currently relies upon.

McDonald's workers fed "c-ck and bull story" about breaks : SDA

McDonald's is facing fresh claims it deliberately denied paid rest breaks to thousands of workers in its own restaurants, with the fast food behemoth already up against a class action and multiple cases accusing it of conspiring with franchisees on the issue.

Deal torpedoed after employer's "disingenuous" statement

The FWC has waved away as "disingenuous" an employer's claim that it would be left with no employees if it offered award-level entitlements in a proposed deal, observing that various guarantees and undertakings are no substitute for the detail needed to properly conduct a BOOT assessment.

Pandemic no "shield" for employer's late wages: FWC

The FWC has refused to accept the pandemic as an excuse for an employer's late payment of wages over a six-month period, agreeing to consider a worker's general protections application on the basis that the delays left him with no choice but to resign.

Court carpets ABCC over "inflammatory" claims

The Federal Court has criticised the ABCC's "misrepresentation" of evidence in pleadings and a media release, concluding the watchdog bore some responsibility for a subsequent report in a national newspaper that wrongly stated that a CFMMEU organiser made a "throat-slitting" gesture to a truck driver.

Harassment started at job interview: Manager

The Australian arm of an international pest control company is facing claims its chief executive and HR manager victimised and discriminated against its business development manager because she accused a colleague of repeatedly s-xually harassing her.