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Pay members for taking RATs: Union

The ANMF will continue to pursue a nursing home it says should be paying members for the time it takes to perform a COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test before entering the facility, despite the FWC find it unclear "what possible basis" existed to make such a claim.

AWU strategy seeks upper hand in bargaining

The AWU will trial a centralised "strategic bargaining initiative" with major national employers - like Boral, Hanson and John Holland - because they are "exploiting" the union's state-by-state, site-by-site approach to enterprise negotiations.

Flexible arrangements "did not comply" with Act, CBA admits

The CBA is rolling out new contracts for staff on legacy individual flexibility arrangements and admitting ahead of a Federal Court hearing that the IFAs breached the Fair Work Act, but the FSU says it must get the process right for those wanting to revert to the agreement.

Economics professor's workplace missteps continue to add up

A former economics professor's troubled relationship with workplace laws has continued, after a court accepted that he "actively" managed an underpaying grocery store previously fined for similar breaches.

Aldi accused of denying parental leave to male manager

A senior Aldi manager challenging the legality of being denied primary carer's leave under the retailer's apparently rebranded parental leave policy is suing the supermarket giant for discrimination, after it allegedly brought his redundancy forward and cut 26 weeks off his payout while he was on leave.

TWU, FedEx peace deal fractures

The TWU alleges global delivery company FedEx is pushing for its new owner-drivers to be paid on piece rates that undercut existing pay and conditions, despite having recently agreed a new deal pledging to make maximum use of full-time employees.

Court rejects bid to bin mask objector's case

In a case involving one lawyer accusing another of being "either breathtakingly stupid or complicit in the ongoing fraud", a Federal Court judge has today refused to throw out an adverse action case brought by a storeperson sacked for refusing to wear a mask.

FWC upholds sacking of tardy worker, exposes fake vax certificate

The FWC in upholding the sacking of a worker who ran late every day for nearly four years and kept failing to use its bundy system has also identified her fake vaccination certificate and recommended referring her alleged offence to authorities.