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One-minute walkout made critical difference: Qantas engineers

The ALAEA says a one-minute strike by Qantas licensed engineers played a crucial role in securing a proposed deal boosting job security as the Flying Kangaroo introduces new aircraft and enables Sydney LAMEs to radically change their roster to achieve "lifestyle benefits", while the airline has today confirmed it cut labour costs by about $570 million under its COVID-19 "recovery plan".

HR manager not required to appear in "cover-up" case

The FWC has ordered a Serco supervisor and corrections officers to front a hearing of an unfair dismissal claim of a prison canine handler who accuses the company of sacking him to cover up the allegedly cruel treatment of a dog that had to have its tail amputated.

Judge criticises watchdog's pursuit of "excessive" fines

A judge has criticised the FWO for seeking "excessive" penalties against two restaurant businesses and reduced the penalties from the $250,000 the FWO sought to just $32,000 after it emerged that their director is broke and had been contemplating suicide.

HR managers lack "quite specific" advocacy skills: FWC

A 63-year-old worker's summary "time theft" sacking has been upheld after the FWC ruled that his multinational employer's HR team lacked the firepower to argue its case against a union's experienced industrial advocate.

Telstra "bent over backwards" for vax-objector: FWC

As Telstra next week prepares to defend a Federal Court class action on behalf of employees who refused to comply with its COVID-19 vaccination policy, the FWC has held that it met consultation requirements and "bent over backwards" to ensure fairness before sacking a worker with a moral objection to being jabbed.

Woolies' bid to vary award puts unions on collision course

Two of Australia's biggest unions are at loggerheads over a push by Woolworths to change the coverage of workers at the supermarket's online fulfilment centres, a move the UWU believes is partly motivated by the retailer's concerns about multi-employer bargaining.

Discovery of manager's cunning plan punctured credibility: FWC

A manager's email to a client suggesting a listed company might be overcharging almost $70,000 a month constituted a valid dismissal reason, as did sending a confidential document to a former employee even though it was discovered post-sacking, the FWC has held.