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Dog day for handler as FWC backs instant dismissal

A Serco prison dog handler's refusal to cooperate with a HR manager he accused of conducting a fishing expedition, covertly recording their interview and claiming in front of an inmate that he had evidence to "crumble the empire" warranted his summary dismissal, the FWC has held.

Employsure bullied me after parental leave request: Claim

Employsure has rejected a sales worker's claims that it subjected him to discrimination, bullying and coercion after he applied for parental leave and challenged a claimed unilateral downgrading of employees' conditions, and says it does not know how a record he kept of his treatment came to be destroyed.

Striking wharfies "penalised twice" under Qube approach: Bench

Stevedoring giant Qube has failed to overturn a ruling that it should have slashed the minimum number of hours salaried dockworkers needed to work in a year after withholding their pay over 11 weeks of protected industrial action.

Menulog backs broad gig worker regulation

Menulog has followed the lead of DoorDash and Uber in signing a charter with the TWU supporting federally legislated minimum rights and a disputes mechanism for gig delivery workers, but now also supports the new Minns NSW Labor Government's ambition to introduce state-based legislation.

Drivers not employees for super purposes: full court

Two veteran truck drivers held by the High Court to be contractors rather than employees have today lost a cross-appeal seeking to establish an entitlement to decades of superannuation on the basis that they fell within the wider meaning of employee in the Super Guarantee Act.

HR manager's responsibility change not a constructive dismissal: FWC

The FWC has found that a HR manager who quit after her employer changed her responsibilities was not forced to resign, noting that although she had to report to a different manager, "a change in a reporting line does not constitute constructive dismissal".