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Worker "hit submit" button before midnight deadline: FWC

The FWC has accepted a 48-seconds-late unfair dismissal claim from a worker convinced he filed it just before midnight on the last allowable day, after conceding that the tribunal's online processing quirks might have pushed it beyond the deadline.

"Embarrassment" for director as labour hire operator fined $106K

A court has limited to about $100,000 the fines it has imposed on an underpaying, now-shuttered labour hire company after accepting that it unintentionally broke the law and that its embarrassed founder is "appropriately remorseful".

Limited backing for coal strikes among OS workers: BHP

BHP has played down the impact of industrial action at its Queensland coal mines, highlighting that the protected action won support from only about 15% of Operations Services production employees in Queensland.

"Subconscious bias" research not enough for recusal: FWC

A mechanic who overturned the rejection of his "late" unfair dismissal application has failed to convince a commissioner to recuse himself based on Australian Law Reform Commission unconscious bias research.

Ructions as BHP proposes closing mine camp to strikers

CFMMEU mining and energy division members have this week kicked off protected action in BHP's Queensland coal mines, sparking early sparring over the company's proposed ban on allowing workers back into their accommodation camp while on strike.

Court to weigh lawyer's "50km radius" restraint clause

A court has refused to grant an interlocutory injunction restraining a lawyer from working in a large regional area while his former firm seeks to enforce a contractual two-year ban, instead accepting an undertaking after observing the legal practice did not have a strong case.

FWC bench refuses bid to extend life of zombie deal

In the first test of Secure Jobs zombie-slayer provisions, a FWC full bench has refused to delay the automatic axing of a scaffolding company's 14-year-old deal after establishing that, contrary to the employer's claims, many of its workers will be better off under the award.

HR manager blocked from "retrospective" dismissal: FWC

The FWC has found that a company's failure to meet modern IR standards, including its HR manager's attempt to "retrospectively" dismiss a security investigator, provided the necessary exceptional circumstances to accept her late unfair dismissal application.