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"Political opinion" on vaccination not behind BHP sacking: FWC

A BHP in-house labour hire worker has failed to convince the FWC she was sacked in part because of her "political opinion" about COVID-19 vaccinations at a time when the company was pursuing a policy of mandatory jabs.

Unions extend plans to step on the gas

Unions are calling on Chevron's Gorgon and Wheatstone workers to again reject a unilateral agreement offer and instead "lock in behind a 100% 'yes' vote" for industrial action, as offshore workers join their onshore colleagues in considering strikes at key LNG facilities.

Director liable for underpayments despite limited understanding: Court

In a significant decision on directors' liability for underpayments, a court has found that although the co-founder of Chatime was unaware the bubble-tea chain was in breach of workplace laws, he understood enough about award obligations around casual and weekend penalty rates to be considered complicit.

FWC affirms limits on "meaningful" conciliation

A cruise company has failed to convince the FWC to more than double the protected action ballot period sought for CFMMEU maritime division members to consider strikes and work bans on the basis it would better enable "meaningful" compulsory conciliation.

Ballot closing on weekend for new Apple deal

The FWC is poised to shelve a three-day hearing of RAFFWU's bid to terminate Apple's 2014 agreement if workers this weekend vote up a proposed new deal, which has won the backing of both the SDA and the ASU.

Woolies' online shopping "clarification" rejected

Woolworths has failed in its bid to vary the Retail Award to "clarify" that the instrument covers its burgeoning online fulfilment operations, avoiding potentially significant knock-on effects for the e-commerce, road transport and distribution industries.

Alleged forced resignation discriminatory: Lobbyist

Scott Morrison's former policy director has been given extra time to pursue an adverse action case alleging discrimination against one of Australia's best-connected lobbying firms, which claims he resigned after it denied him a stake in the business.

Extending zombie deals shouldn't dampen negotiations: Bench

A FWC full bench has trimmed a union-sought extension to three zombie deals covering more than 500 IT workers after factoring in the Secure Jobs legislation's inherent "policy preference" for agreements negotiated under the Fair Work Act.