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Umpire roasts Qube for backtracking on deal

The FWC has panned rail operator Qube for "reneging" on an in-principle enterprise deal with the RTBU, after rejecting the union's bid to terminate industrial action that allegedly presented a threat to community safety and welfare.

Stressed worker's resignation should have been questioned: FWC

One of the world's largest gold mining companies should have taken a worker's stress levels into account before accepting a resignation prompted by an allergic reaction to eating a cake's icing, the FWC has found.

More than $1 billion backpaid in past two years: FWO

Large corporates and universities accounted for almost two-thirds of the $509 million in unpaid wages and entitlements recovered by the FWO in 2022-23 on behalf of more than 250,000 workers, the workplace watchdog revealed today.

RAFFWU secures "historic" ballot for Woolies strike

The FWC has cleared the way for RAFFWU to ballot its Woolworths members on whether to take multiple forms of industrial action and will require the supermarket giant to attend a conciliation conference next Wednesday in what the unregistered union says is a "historic" win.

Suggestive singing amounted to harassment

A UK tribunal has found that a male manager harassed a male worker by touching him inappropriately and suggestively singing a song about propositioning someone for s-x.

Zombie AWA out of tune with times: Bench

The FWC has reinforced its view that zombie agreements should not be extended "merely" because the parties are in harmony, observing that nothing is stopping a charity funded by Australia's orchestras from negotiating a new deal with its valued finance manager.

Employer slugged $53K after ignoring FWC "recommendation"

In a powerful demonstration of the consequences of ignoring FWC recommendations, a court has ordered an employer to pay more than $50,000 in penalties and compensation after it failed to act on a commissioner's call to provide a teacher with details of an investigation before sacking her for allegedly tugging the earlobes of two students.

FWC slays zombie deal presumed "dead"

The FWC has killed off a zombie deal at the request of a leading men's fashion brand that transferred its retail workforce to the higher-paying award in 2019 in the mistaken belief the agreement stopped applying on its nominal expiry.

Blow for Chevron, as Wheatstone bypass deal gassed

Chevron's directly-employed workforce on its Wheatstone offshore LNG platforms has overwhelmingly rejected a non-union deal in a ballot that closed last week, according to the Offshore Alliance.