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Christmas party misconduct justified sacking: FWC

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of an employee who harangued a colleague before pushing him fully clothed into a swimming pool during the company's Christmas party.

Bench upholds sacking for racist comments

Prior employee misconduct that did not result in dismissal but demonstrates a "pattern of unacceptable behaviour" must be considered when determining unfair dismissal cases, a Fair Work Commission full bench has ruled.

Bid to save "small rainforest" derails labour hire agreement

An FWC presidential member has expressed "wonder" at having to reject an agreement for a major labour hire company that turned the simple process of providing employees with a bargaining representation notice into a "debacle".

Bench rejects ResMed bid to block AMWU

In the latest stage of the AMWU's long battle to organise workers at high-tech manufacturer ResMed, an FWC full bench has consented to the union changing its rules to extend coverage to non-management employees at the company's Sydney headquarters.

Defecating courier unfairly dumped by employer: FWC

An employer had a valid reason to sack a long-serving courier who had "no choice" but to defecate in a client's carpark while on the job, but his dismissal without notice was unfair, the Fair Work Commission has found.

Sydney ferries deal arrives after difficult passage

The FWC has for the second time approved an agreement covering the main Sydney Harbour ferry service workforce after dismissing the motivation for a belated scope order bid for masters and engineers as "little more than petty elitism rather than any genuine unfairness".

ER chief's adverse action bid fails

The Federal Court has rejected an employee relations specialist's claim that her employer took unlawful adverse action when it sacked her for taking sick leave after she suffered a mental breakdown and made allegations of sexual harassment.

Court rejects "dogsbody's" claim that Palmer promised $1m salary

Queensland's Supreme Court has dismissed an accountant's claim that Clive Palmer verbally offered to pay him a $1 million annual salary for five years, finding instead that the accountant was correctly paid the $100,000 (later $150,000) a year agreed in written employment contracts.

Wharfies vote up Hutchison deal

MUA members at Hutchison Ports Australia have endorsed a new enterprise agreement that will end long-running protests at its Sydney and Brisbane container terminals as it ensures that stevedoring employees won’t be forced into redundancies.