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Bench shuts down employer strategy to stymie strikes

A FWC full bench has rejected an employer's bid to block protected industrial action, confirming that its invalid notice of employee representational rights didn't knock out a union's protected action ballot application.

IR "disrupter" wins publication ban

A self-described IR advisory sector "disrupter" that unfairly dismissed an injured worker has won an order to prohibit publication of the compensation decision, after arguing it would provide competitors with "significant insight" into its business.

No delay for contractor driver RSR order

The RSRT has today rejected calls to delay the April 4 implementation of its contractor driver minimum rates order and has attacked those who have propagated "myths" to "bolster their case" for change.

Rail union shunted out of the Pilbara

The FWC has ruled that the Rail Tram & Bus Union is not entitled to represent the industrial interests of members covered by a new agreement for the maintenance contractor serving Fortescue Metals Group's rail operations in the Pilbara.

FWC backs 25% pay cut after roster change

The FWC has cited Alice in Wonderland in endorsing an employer's right under its enterprise agreement to impose a 25% annual salary reduction on hundreds of fly-in, fly-out rail maintenance workers it shifted from a 14-days-on, seven-days-off roster to a seven-days-on, seven-days-off regime.

Company wins former employees' first-year profits

Two managers must pay their former employer almost $50,000 in profits earned from a joint venture they established before moving to a competitor, after a Federal Court ruling.

RSRT calls for prompt submissions on TWU rates proposal

A Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal full bench has given parties until 4pm today to make submissions on a TWU compromise proposal that accedes to a six-month delay for the contractor driver minimum rates order but maintains a 30-day maximum payment window.

RSRT forges ahead with Easter hearings

The Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal is set to go ahead with hearings over the Easter weekend on whether to delay its contractor driver minimum rates order, despite opposition from the Federal Government.

Overtime not payable for reasonable additional hours: Court

A court has ruled that three lawyers at an IR advisory company are not entitled to overtime for working two extra hours a week, because it constituted reasonable additional hours under the Fair Work Act.