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Remove franchises' incentive to "turn a blind eye", says Maurice Blackburn

Law firm Maurice Blackburn is calling for tougher laws to force franchises to take responsibility for their franchisees' employment practices, as it pursues three underpayment claims totalling $1 million via the Fels 7-Eleven Wage Fairness Panel, which has now secured payouts of $11 million.

FWC reduces backpay for wrongly-accused worker

Melbourne's Metro Trains must reinstate a station officer wrongfully accused of stealing from a bag placed in lost property, but the FWC has halved her backpay due to her failure to follow correct procedures.

Employer overshoots with summary dismissal

An IT manager and internationally-renowned competitive shooter, sacked for serious misconduct after his friend brought a dangerous, high-powered weapon into the workplace and asked for his advice, will receive more than $8,000 in compensation after the FWC ruled his summary dismissal was unwarranted.

FFA didn't discriminate against international soccer star: Tribunal

A tribunal has criticised Football Federation Australia's refusal of financial assistance to a Matildas soccer player to care for her 11-month-old during a US tour, describing it as "mean spirited" and "inflexible", but found it had acted lawfully because the legislation "does not provide a remedy for all forms of discrimination".

Tribunal clarifies pay question for offshore workers

A labour supplier must pay the crew it provided for an offshore vessel for a full duty-day on their “swing-off” day as their replacement by another employer's seafarers did not amount to a second crew under their agreement, the FWC has found.

Plan to abolish RSRT moves into fast lane

The Turnbull Government now intends to immediately introduce legislation to scrap the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal when the Federal Parliament resumes next week.

Queensland Nickel workers owed $74 million

The administrators of Clive Palmer's Queensland Nickel Pty Ltd have recommended the company be put into liquidation next week, opening the way for hundreds of sacked workers to be paid under the Federal Government's Fair Entitlements Guarantee.

MUA denies Brisbane strikes connected to Port Botany

The MUA says Patrick's Brisbane container terminal workforce will strike next week over different rostering issues to those at the stevedore's Port Botany terminal, but the company says the matters are not part of Brisbane's local negotiations.

Numbers build for scrapping of RSRT

Tasmanian independent Senator Jacqui Lambie has come out in support of immediately scrapping the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal.