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Employer group appealing bargaining notice ruling

The AiG is challenging the FWC's rejection of an enterprise agreement because it didn't comply with strict 14-day bargaining notice requirements, arguing that the ruling imposes unworkable and costly restrictions.

Big fine a warning against unpaid internships

A court has levied a fine of more than $270,000 on a company that made an employee work 180 unpaid hours as an intern, and has also imposed a $8160 fine and three-year injunction on its director, who was already bound by an enforceable undertaking.

No logo: Employer can stop delegates wearing union shirts

The FWC has backed aluminium giant Alcoa's right under its new uniform policy to bar two employees at its WA alumina mines who are also AWU delegates from wearing shirts that bear the union's logo in the workplace.

Worker displaced by robots wins job back

A straddle driver who lost his job as a result of an automation-driven restructure at Patrick Stevedores' Port Botany container terminal has won his job back after the FWC ruled his dismissal was not a genuine redundancy.

Bench derails RTBU bid to extend coverage to mining

An FWC full bench has confirmed that the Rail Tram and Bus Union is not entitled to represent the industrial interests of members covered by a new agreement for the maintenance contractor serving Fortescue Metals Group's rail operations in the Pilbara.