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Bid begins to claw back $67m in Queensland Nickel FEG payments

Liquidators seeking to recover almost $67 million in taxpayer funds paid to former Queensland Nickel employees have avoided a "chase for Skase" scenario after they yesterday served papers on counsel for holidaying ex-director Clive Palmer and 20 others.

Sacking after morning sickness unlawful: Court

A court has found an employer took unlawful adverse action against a pregnant worker when it sacked her for taking time off to manage morning sickness and other issues arising from her condition.

Alcohol-affected captain's sacking harsh, says FWC

The FWC has found a vessel operator's decision to sack an experienced captain for breaching its zero-tolerance alcohol policy was harsh in the circumstances, arguing that it bore some responsibility for unresolved matters that affected his mental health and could have imposed less punitive penalties.

Employer avoids bullying orders with pre-emptive role change

The FWC has declined to issue anti-bullying orders despite finding the allegations proved, reasoning that the employer had sufficiently reduced the risk of further incidents by changing the antagonist's job to ensure minimal contact between the parties.

Loy Yang workers win pay increases, lose job security

Loy Yang power station and mine workers have conceded the possibility of forced redundancies and increased use of contractors in exchange for annual 5% pay rises in voting up a new enterprise agreement with operators AGL Energy.

Telstra job cuts threaten company's viability: Union

Communication unions have accused Telstra of "a race to the bottom" after confirmation today that the telco will cut at least 1400 jobs – almost 5% of its Australian workforce – over the next six months.