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Ombudsman pursuing NUW over $800,000 damages for Woolies

The Fair Work Ombudsman is pushing for the NUW to pay $800,000 in damages to retailer Woolworths over alleged unlawful industrial action in 2015 at two distribution centres in Melbourne.

Sub-1% workforce cut not a "major workplace change": Court

The Federal Court has dismissed the nursing union's bid to stop Bupa cutting jobs, finding that 23 potential redundancies in a workforce of 3000 did not constitute a "major" change that would trigger an agreement's consultation clause.

Court repels "collateral attack" on FWC bench decision

The Federal Court has tossed out a challenge to an FWC full bench decision, describing confidence in the administration of justice as a "significant factor" in finding Energy Australia's case an abuse of process.

AMWU braces for exodus as Holden plant closes

The AMWU is encouraging GM Holden workers affected by today's assembly plant closure to suspend their memberships rather than quit altogether as the union looks to staunch losses that look set to see it scrap the current division structure in favour of a national entity with state branches.

62-year-old "poor cultural fit" worker wins discrimination case

A company that allegedly told a 62-year old salesperson that he was too old, too deaf and was "hobbling around" with a "broken back" he would use to make a workers compensation claim has been ordered to pay $15,000 for "pain, suffering and humiliation" as part of a larger damages payout for age and disability discrimination.

Woolies commits to rectifying trolley collectors' underpayments

After entering into an FWO compliance partnership that commits it to taking responsibility for underpayments across its trolley collection network for the past three years, Woolworths says it would welcome working with any regulatory body to ensure workers in all supply chains are paid correctly.

Race-based underpayments a new prosecution frontier for FWO

In the FWO's first underpayment prosecution relying on race discrimination prohibitions in the Fair Work Act, a court has found a Tasmanian hotel and its manager deliberately short-changed a head chef and kitchen hand and expected them to work long hours, six days a week because of their Malaysian nationality and Chinese race.

Court reduces GM's restraint from 12 months to six

A general manager will be able to move to a chief executive role with a competitor in six months, after the NSW Supreme Court cut in half the 12-month restraint in his employment contract.