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Casino strike averted as improved pay offer tabled

The UWU has struck in-principle agreements covering thousands of workers at Melbourne's Crown casino after management tabled an improved offer, which averted planned protected industrial action in the form of a mass walk-out on Saturday evening.

Potential LSL fines second only to industrial manslaughter: Court

Optus has again failed to overturn a finding that underpaying workers' long service leave entitlements when they leave might count as a continuing offence under Victorian law, clearing the way for the State's Wage Inspectorate to pursue daily fines that could run into millions for the period before the telco rectified the alleged issue.

Extended notice would curb worker bargaining power: FWC

A FWC presidential member has taken a harder line on extending notice periods for protected action, rejecting Virgin Australia's bid to increase warnings of strikes and bans from three to seven days, because it would result in diminished worker bargaining power.

MUA maintaining pressure on DP World

Container terminal operator DP World says it is facing continuing protected action by MUA members until at least November 13, as the cost of the parties' bargaining impasse mounts.

Suggestion of criminal behaviour "intimidatory": FWC

The FWC has castigated an employer for its "unconscionable" and "intimidatory" written notice suggesting that a casual duty manager committed theft and fraud when she failed to pay for a drink or offer an explanation for missing stock, while it has also lambasted its representative, Clubs NSW, for its "unprofessional" conduct in characterising her conduct as criminal.

Unsteady kitchen hand not afforded "basic decency": FWC

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a kitchen hand who turned up intoxicated in his own time to prepare for his next shift, but has berated the employer over its "failure to exercise basic decency" when leaving him to find his own way home.

Work "trial" did not signal start of continuous service: FWC

The 12-day gap between a concreter's two-day "trial" and starting full-time work did not count as "continuous" employment, leaving him just shy of the statutory minimum necessary to challenge his dismissal, the FWC has found.