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Fighting "cowboy" fails to win job back

The FWC has ruled on the out-of-hours conduct of a maintenance worker who claimed he was acting in self-defence when he ended up in a fight after a "horsing-around" passer-by took his cowboy hat, leading to his expulsion from the giant Wheatstone LNG project.

Court clarifies naming protocols in case against law firm

In a decision further clarifying naming protocols for complaint and litigation respondents, a court has ruled that a law firm's individual partners need not be identified in a discrimination case brought by a former employee.

Meatworker's safety shortcut warranted the chop, says FWC

An experienced meatworker's impulse to help out a stressed colleague without taking safety precautions prescribed by his employer's "cardinal rules" justified severing his employment, the FWC has found.

FWO puts MUA under microscope over Webb Dock picket

The FWO is investigating protests at Melbourne's Webb Dock during the MUA's dispute with stevedore VICT which, despite Victorian Supreme Court cease-orders, continued until the worker's temporary reinstatement last Friday.

Liquidation costs block workers' access to FEG payments

Two employees have had to forego more than $9000 in redundancy entitlements after the FWC accepted a financially-distressed employer could not meet the cost of liquidating his business in order to qualify for the federal government's Fair Entitlements Guarantee scheme.

Hefty fine reinforces weight given to workers' records of hours

The ramifications of recent legislative changes requiring employers to disprove employees' records of hours worked in wage claim cases have been spelt out in a court decision imposing penalties of more than $120,000 on a company and its director for underpaying an apprentice.

Direction to swap Byron Bay for Sydney unreasonable: FWC

A home-based sales representative has been compensated after the FWC found that he was sacked within a day of receiving a "manifestly unreasonable" ultimatum to pack up his life in Byron Bay and return to work in his employer's Sydney office.