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Competitors under single deal "what we feared": Peabody

A major mining company has voiced "serious concerns" at being targeted by a multi-employer bargaining test case involving several competitors, despite the Albanese Government's assurances that mine employers would not be significantly affected by the legislation.

Wharfies unfairly sacked over vax refusal: FWC

The FWC has ordered compensation but declined to reinstate 24 DP World wharfies sacked in 2021 for refusing to be vaccinated against COVID-19, finding that although the dismissal process was bungled, the workers "significantly contributed" to the situation.

Hatcher intervenes after worker "horrified" by adverse action result

FWC President Adam Hatcher has ordered a paid IR agent to attend a conference to resolve a worker's complaint that he ended up out of pocket after settling an adverse action case his representative sought to discontinue without his express approval.

Compensation numbers don't stack up: FWC

A FWC presidential member has stayed payment of $10,000 to an unfairly sacked worker after going beyond an employer's appeal grounds to identify potential flaws in calculation of the compensation.

FWC douses firefighting IBD, urges further talks

The FWC has refused to grant Ventia an intractable bargaining declaration it sought after workers at outsourced Defence aviation firefighting operations in Queensland rejected its unilateral offer, in the tribunal's first contested IBD case determined by a single member.

FWC provides successful conduit between highly-charged parties

The FWC has played a key role in settling a fiery dispute between the ETU and a battery manufacturer, commending them for taking a "cooperative approach" in accepting the tribunal's recommended changes to a proposed deal.

Stop-start traffic control deal gets green light

The FWC has at the second time of asking approved a deal after receiving an undertaking that the employer will not hire anybody under a novel "new entrant" category paying construction workers who become traffic controllers 6% below their award rate at the same time as denying them an industry allowance.

Time to regulate paid IR agents?: FWC

A senior FWC member has questioned whether paid IR agents should be more closely regulated after expressing dismay that a firm had no processes to identify an incorrectly entered date that led to late filing of a worker's unfair dismissal claim.