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Jetstar's "unresponsive" ER manager ignored dispute: FWC

Ignoring a union's frequent letters challenging whether it could make senior engineering appointments on a temporary rather than permanent basis gave Jetstar no standing to claim a deal's dispute resolution process had not been correctly followed, the FWC has ruled.

Former MacBank advisors awarded $1.3m after "rapacious" claims

Forty-eight former Macquarie Bank wealth advisors have been awarded compensation totalling more than $1.3 million despite a judge describing as "rapacious" their claims about underpayment of various leave entitlements.

Unfairly sacked visa holder duped English testers

A restaurant unfairly dismissed a 457-visaholder cook who had an imposter sit his English competency test and secretly recorded conversations after reporting it for alleged exploitation, the FWC has held.

Tirade against manager no justification for sacking by email

The FWC has reminded employers that when it comes to dismissals, even "difficult" workers are entitled to natural justice, awarding compensation to an employee summarily sacked by email after repeatedly abusing his manager.

"Union free in 28 days": IR manager

An IR manager at a company where an enterprise union is seeking registration has published a series of social media posts about using the structure to achieve "union-free" workplaces.

FWC rejects union's "preposterous" conspiracy theory over deal

The FWC has in approving an agreement voted up by two of three workers accepted the employer's claim that union opposition was premised on a "preposterous" conspiracy theory that it manipulated the process by making two CEPU members redundant during negotiations.

FWC extends time after "true hardship"

A senior FWC member has extended time for an unfair dismissal claim for a retail worker dealing with domestic violence, illness, homelessness and a lack of funds, acknowledging her "true hardship, genuine struggle the likes of which I do not often see".

FWC to hear Patrick bid to end protected action

The FWC will this week hear an application by stevedore Patrick to terminate the MUA's protected action at its four container ports, while IR Minister Christian Porter has confirmed he will intervene in support of the company.