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Big employer fell short of its investigation standards: FWC

An ASX-listed company failed to meet its own standards for investigating alleged misconduct when it neglected to interview two key witnesses and relied upon a manager's inaccurate account of a worker's response to accusations, the FWC has found.

COVID-19 "disconnect" compelled chair's replacement: Company

An ASX-listed agribusiness accused of constructively sacking its chair when it cut his pay by $200,000 and demoted him claims it replaced him after COVID-19 caused a "disconnect" and its chief executive and secretary both complained about his conduct.

Employer's "tin ear" over remote worker's COVID-19 pressures

In a decision highlighting the challenges of managing remote workers during a pandemic, the FWC has awarded compensation to a salesperson dismissed after a director took exception to her attitude during a teleconference and drew negative conclusions about her productivity after scrutinising her Instagram posts.

Independent schools' bargaining "out of step": IEU

The IEU is accusing the NSW Association of Independent Schools of using COVID-19 as an excuse to breach good faith bargaining requirements and abandon centralised negotiations on behalf of 220 schools, but the peak body says they are still "on foot".

Virgin management assuages union with jobs commitment

The TWU will resume enterprise bargaining talks with Virgin Australia after being reassured by the incoming management that the airline intends to fulfil a previous commitment to "ultimately employ" about 6000 workers.

JobKeeper "rort" accused defends sacking amid AFP investigation

A company accused of sacking a manager for refusing to "rort" JobKeeper has told a court it dismissed him for poor performance and a loss of trust, but has declined to plead to many allegations due to an ongoing criminal investigation.

Legal representation denied despite "difficulties" for HR manager

The FWC has found that allowing a large employer to be legally represented would be "manifestly unfair", rejecting its argument that excessive complexity would arise from its HR manager having to conduct the case and act as a witness.

Credit card misuse behind CEO's sacking, claims HR consultancy

A HR consultancy claims in its defence of accusations it employed security guards to keep out its chief executive and sacked her because she sought a bully-free workplace that the dismissal was solely brought about by her misuse of a corporate credit card.