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Lawyer tried to "milk a penalty" in recusal hearing: Boyce

In a decision meticulously examining notions of bias, a FWC presidential member has declined to recuse himself at the same time as taking a swing at a lawyer arguing he breached a "golden rule" by privately communicating with a party seeking anti-bullying orders.

Managers didn't want to punch the clock, claims class action target

Australia's largest independent grocery retailer in defending a $20 million class action has admitted to breaching leave loading requirements, but otherwise denied it should have paid salaried employees for extra hours or recorded their additional time.

Costs awarded in worker's "groundless" case

The FWC has made a rare costs order against an unfair dismissal applicant who filed her case while unsure if she had in fact quit in the heat of the moment, before discontinuing it less than 24 hours before the hearing.

Sams slams law graduate in full-throated FWC sign-off

A retiring presidential FWC member has used his final ruling to deliver a withering character assessment of a law graduate and question the benefit of GPs providing mental health appraisals in cases alleging bullying.

Member lacked power to pull rug on dismissal case: Bench

A presidential member denied an unfair dismissal applicant a fair hearing when he threw out his case for want of prosecution without a formal request from the employer, a FWC full bench has ruled.

Casual sacked after forced choice between employers: FWC

A casual cook has been cleared to contest her dismissal after the FWC found she was caught between the competing interests of two workplaces in responding to the Victorian Government's single employer directive at the height of that State's COVID-19 outbreak.

Tribunal offers blueprint for COVID-19 consultation

The FWC has given Santos, and AWU and the AMWU a recommended framework for consulting over pandemic-related proposals such as quarantining, suggesting they discuss current disputes concerning the gas giant's Cooper Basin workforce with a view to putting it into practice.

Worker "put the knife" into HR manager: Tribunal

The FWC has rejected a long-serving worker's portrayal of herself as a "victim" of powerful HR forces, finding her displeasure at being asked to account for money raised for a deceased colleague's family led her into serious misconduct.

Union's PABO application backfires

In a decision highlighting the difference between "genuinely trying to reach agreement" and "good faith bargaining", the FWC has rejected an HSU application for a protected action ballot order and found its own conduct wanting.